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Paint Your Pet

We offer Paint Your Pet for private parties of 5-6 people.  We facilitate painting experiences for children, teens and adults.  Please contact us to reserve a private party!  We look forward to painting with you.

We paint dogs, cats, horses, fish, chinchilas, birds, turtles and more!

Enjoy a three hour studio experience painting your pet!  Send a digital photo of your pet to 4 days in advance of your reserved painting session and we will draw your photo on the canvas for you before you arrive. During your studio session we will guide you to paint with acrylic paints and provide all the help that you will need.  Only $59.00 includes an 11X14 canvas, paints and all supplies to create a treasured painting by YOU!


Enjoy pet painting by others who have painted their pets at Cedar Cove by viewing our Paint Your Pet Gallery!

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